class Humpyard::Config

Humpyard::Config is responsible for holding and managing the configuration for your Humpyard Rails Application.

Possible configuration options are:


The prefix for the SQL tables

The default value is "humpyard_"


The prefix for the pages in your routes

You may use some variables that will be replaced by Humpyard::Page.human_url


The current ::I18n.locale

Leading slashes (“/”) as it would result in invalid URLs and will be ignored.

A tailing slash (“/”) indicates, that the value should be a path. Without the tailing slash the last part would become a prefix to the pages URL. A page with the path “about/config.html” with the ::I18n.locale=“en” and the given prefix will result in:







"": "/about/config.html"

The default value is ":locale/"


The prefix for the admin controllers

The default value is "admin"


The locales used for the pages

This option can be configured by giving an Array or comma separated String, e.g. 'en,de,fr' or ['en', 'de', 'fr'].

Setting this option will also alter the HumpyardForm.config.locales to the given value

The default value is ['en']

Public Instance Methods

admin_prefix=(prefix) click to toggle source
    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
166 def admin_prefix=(prefix)
167   if prefix
168     @admin_prefix = prefix.gsub /^\//, ''
169   else
170     @admin_prefix = nil
171   end
172 end
compass_format() click to toggle source
    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
206 def compass_format
207   @compass_format ||= 'scss'
208 end
configure() { |self| ... } click to toggle source

Configure your Humpyard Rails Application with the given parameters in the block. For possible options see above.

   # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
57 def configure(&block)
58   yield(self)
59 end
default_template_name() click to toggle source
    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
138 def default_template_name
139   default_template.to_s
140 end
js_framework() click to toggle source
    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
202 def js_framework
203   @js_framework ||= 'jquery-ui-18'
204 end
locales_contraint() click to toggle source

Get the given locales as Regexp constraint. This may be used to see if a locale matches the configured locales. Usage is e.g. in the routes.

    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
194 def locales_contraint
195 locales * '|'
196 end
page_formats_contraint() click to toggle source

Get the given locales as Regexp constraint. This may be used to see if a locale matches the configured locales. Usage is e.g. in the routes.

    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
231 def page_formats_contraint
232 page_formats * '|'
233 end
parsed_www_prefix(params) click to toggle source

Get the prefix of your pages with interpreted variables given as params. You normally don't want to call it yourself. Instead use the Humpyard::Page.human_url which will put the current ::I18n.locale into the params.

    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
154 def parsed_www_prefix(params)
155   prefix = "#{www_prefix}"
156   params.each do |key,value|
157     prefix.gsub!(":#{key}", value.to_s)
158   end
159   prefix
160 end
users_framework() click to toggle source
    # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
198 def users_framework
199   @users_framework ||= 'simple'
200 end
www_prefix=(prefix) click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/config.rb
69 def www_prefix=(prefix)
70   if prefix
71     @www_prefix = prefix.gsub /^\//, ''
72   else
73     @www_prefix = nil
74   end
75 end