module Humpyard::PagesHelper

Public Instance Methods

javascript(*args) click to toggle source
   # File app/helpers/humpyard/pages_helper.rb
15 def javascript(*args)
16   content_for(:head) { javascript_include_tag(*args) }
17 end
page_body(options={}, &block) click to toggle source
  # File app/helpers/humpyard/pages_helper.rb
3 def page_body(options={}, &block)
4   render :partial => '/humpyard/common/page_construct', :locals => {:options => options, :block => block}
5 end
stylesheet(*args) click to toggle source
   # File app/helpers/humpyard/pages_helper.rb
11 def stylesheet(*args)
12   content_for(:head) { stylesheet_link_tag(*args) }
13 end
title(page_title) click to toggle source
  # File app/helpers/humpyard/pages_helper.rb
7 def title(page_title)
8   @content_for_title = page_title.to_s
9 end