class Humpyard::NewsItem

Public Instance Methods

human_url(options={}) click to toggle source

Return the human readable URL for the page.

Posible options values are


A locale given in the Humpyard::Config.locales. If no :locale is given the option will be ::I18n.locale by default

   # File app/models/humpyard/news_item.rb
21 def human_url(options={})
22   options[:locale] ||= ::I18n.locale
23   options[:format] ||= :html
25   unless Humpyard::config.locales.include? options[:locale].to_sym
26     options[:locale] = Humpyard::config.locales.first
27   end
29   if options[:path_format]
30     format = "/"
31   else
32     format = ".#{options[:format].to_s}" 
33   end
35   page_options = options
36   page_options[:path_format] = true
38   "#{}#{created_at.strftime '%Y/%m/%d'}/#{query_title_for_url(options[:locale])}#{format}"
39 end