module Humpyard::ActiveRecord::Acts::Element

Public Class Methods

included(base) click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
 5 def self.included(base)
 6   base.has_one :element, :as => :content_data, :class_name => 'Humpyard::Element', :autosave => true
 7   base.validate :element_must_be_valid
 8   base.alias_method_chain :element, :autobuild 
 9   base.alias_method_chain :column_for_attribute, :element_column_for_attribute
11   begin
12     all_attributes = Humpyard::Element.column_names
13   rescue
14     # Table not migrated
15     all_attributes = []
16   end
17   ignored_attributes = ['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'content_data_id', 'content_data_type']
18   attributes_to_delegate = all_attributes - ignored_attributes
19   attributes_to_delegate.each do |attrib|
20     base.delegate "#{attrib}", "#{attrib}=", "#{attrib}?", :to => :element
21     if attrib.match /_id$/
22       attrib = attrib.gsub /(_id)$/, ''
23       base.delegate "#{attrib}", "#{attrib}=", "#{attrib}?", :to => :element
24     end
25   end
27   Humpyard::Element.attr_accessible.each do |attr|
28     base.attr_accessible attr
29   end
31   base.extend ClassMethods
33 end

Public Instance Methods

column_for_attribute_with_element_column_for_attribute(attr) click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
39 def column_for_attribute_with_element_column_for_attribute(attr)
40   ret = column_for_attribute_without_element_column_for_attribute(attr) || element.column_for_attribute(attr)
41 end
element_with_autobuild() click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
35 def element_with_autobuild
36   element_without_autobuild || build_element
37 end
is_humpyard_container_element?() click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
47 def is_humpyard_container_element?
48   self.class.is_humpyard_container_element?
49 end
is_humpyard_element?() click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
43 def is_humpyard_element?
44   self.class.is_humpyard_element?
45 end

Protected Instance Methods

element_must_be_valid() click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_record/acts/element.rb
72 def element_must_be_valid
73   unless element.valid?
74     element.errors.each do |attr, message|
75       errors.add(attr, message)
76     end
77   end
78 end