class Humpyard::ActiveModel::PublishRangeValidator

Public Instance Methods

validate_each(record, attribute, value) click to toggle source
   # File lib/humpyard/active_model/validators/publish_range.rb
 4 def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
 5   if attribute == :display_from and not record.display_from.blank? and not record.display_until.blank? and record.display_until < record.display_from
 6     record.errors.add attribute, :cannot_be_after_display_until
 7   end
 8   if attribute == :display_until and not record.display_until.blank? and not record.display_from.blank? and record.display_until <= record.display_from
 9     record.errors.add attribute, :cannot_be_before_display_from
10   end
11 end